How do we tell our positive vision of the future rather than focusing on dramatic pictures in which problems are rarely solvable? How do we tell stories which inspire people to take actions and to participate in the “things that matters”? How do we motivate people to create real change by providing solutions?
We invite you to join our international workshop – SOLUTION FOCUSED STORYTELLING – designed for everyone who would dive into the art of creating positive impacts by storytelling that focuses on what works, explores desired future and tracks past successes, situations and experience with the aim to discover, amplify and strengthen the existing abilities, strategies and resources.
This is a solution-focused and value-driven 2-days training that covers theory and highly interactive observing, feeling, listening and telling sessions. Some of the topics that we will explore together cover the nature of the relationship between problem solving and solution finding and how that impact storytelling, creating the difference that makes a difference, and turning problems into solutions.
The workshop will take place at the Multi Kulti Center on 5 Chernomen Street, Sofia on 13-14 April 2019.
We believe it is a valuable experience for people interested or working in fields like:
– PR and media professionals
– Innovation and corporate social responsibility
– NGO sector
– Donаtion and philanthropy
– Social entrepreneurship
– Youth work
– Activism
– Therapy and coaching
– Public and private sector professionals
Dr A. Biba Rebolj is a Slovenian solution focused trainer & practitioner based in London, UK. She is also a senior group trainer at EU Salto (Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities for Youth) and a lead trainer for the Slovenian National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth.
Evgeni Mitev is a Bulgarian storytelling trainer and consultant, founder of – a platform for sharing stories, knowledge and inspiration, organizing storytelling events, lectures and training courses. He is also founder of the social enterprise HI TOUCH – екип от незрящи масажисти.
75 BGN per person for both days before 22 March.
85 BGN per person for both days after 23 March.
All materials, meals and drinks are included.
The organizers are pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships for participants from disadvantaged background (including migrants and refugees). Please send your motivation at as soon as possible to request a place.
We offer limited number of 30 places. Please register here –
The workshop is organized by Multi Kulti Collective and with the kind support of Federation for European Storytelling. Thank you!
A special partner of the class is the amazing French bakery
The event is co-financed by the European Commission and Creative Europe Programme.